- Programmable and Non-Programmable device
- Mnemonic form and Binary Encoding
- Unintialize variable in makefile
- Macro processing
- Return type of main body.
- Conditional Macro processing
- C preprocessor
- Sample output for Macroprocessing
- int and long int
- enum data type
- Register Allocation
- Operators database program
- bit pattern representation
- C99 Mode Error
- Argument value of arr passed
- size_t
- value of array beyond limit
- symbol lookup error
- Growth of stack
- Factorial recursion program time
- Pointer to Structure
- Size of Structure
- Coding convention of Macroprocessing
- Truncation from int to char
- differnet sizeof int on same processor architecture
- Implicit Type Casting
- Arrays.
- 2D Array in 1D fashion
- allocation of registers while variable declaration and while arithmetic operation
- Multiple return values in function.
- Input and output exercise
- Return an array from the function.
- Warning in pre & post increment program
- Static Variable.
- Macro Directive
- Database Program Output
- Incompatible Implicit Declaration.
- Calloc vs Malloc
- Problem in command line with retval function(user defined) in command line.
- Comparison between i = i+1 and i++
- Storing Integer value to a FIle
- Computer Architecture
- Preference of pre-increment over post increment in loop instructions
- problem: scanf
- % as character in printf
- meanining of error "Lvalue required"
- compiling a compiler
- Control signals
- Instruction decoding and execution
- Autoincrement of cases
- Functions in header files
- Storing values in tables
- printf
- pointer to pointer
- Operators medium exercise doubt.
- pointer medium exercise
- Alien Chefs
- Union
- Low level implementation of functions
- Problem in writing a recursion program
- Basics of structures
- Precedence Doubt
- Symbol lookup Error
- char array in 1 and 2 dimensions and Strings in C
- Questtion in loops.
- Question in pointer to array.
- Problem in structures question
- #pragma
- symbol look up error
- Emacs :- Go to definition and declaration option
- Modifying an existing program
- Segmentation fault
- Near far and huge pointer
- Eof
- Writing hello world without a semicolon.
- Problem in using scanf in structures.
- process_dbs function
- problem related with pointer
- regarding problem with c code.
- regarding problem of c programming.
- pointer to array
- pointer exercise
- problem in using free command
- virtuq client not playing the slides
- process_dbs funtion
- quiz related problem
- free()
- dbs_process
- Difference between two statement in pointers
- Exercise of operators
- functions: process exercise
- structure and union
- Problem in software engineering exercise
- static structure variable
- file
- return type of main()
- Pointers
- output questions
- Some more functionality in C
- Indenting code
- medium directory in Introduction to C
- breakpoint in the macro
- Why using macros in C
- compilation using emacs
- problem in output
- Use of enum data type
- Bit-shift
- structures
- Calling Function
- For loop init statement
- Segmentation fault in process_dbs function
- to print ascii value of a character
- type conversion
- array quiz question
- Book-The c programming by Kernighan and Ritchie example- count new lines
- array in structure
- union and enum
- Bizzare error!!
- anonymous union
- Execution context
- error in database
- Memory Aliasing Problem.
- accessing 2-d array by single pointer
- Pointer query
- structure medium exercise
- Distcc tool
- Regarding Lex and yacc
- Make file for demo Progarms
- Passing structure as function argument
- Recursive calls
- Pointers
- Dynamic scope
- Output of the given code with explaination
- increment decrement operators
- pointer to structures
- Output of the given code
- Difference between malloc and calloc
- arrays
- pragma preprocessor directive
- bit fields in structures
- const and volatile
- Unable to open the lab
- Quiz question in array.
- Question from pg no 49 in the book on bitwise operators
- Strcmp() function in K & R book