View Full Version : User Level Linux

  1. Taking printout
  2. Writing on CD or DVD
  3. Difference between shell and terminal emulator
  4. pstree command
  5. extension of executable file
  6. Header file used for graphics in programming in gcc
  7. Locating repeated lines in a text file
  8. Working of fg and bg command
  9. Reset command not working
  10. ls command
  11. Creating directories and changing directories
  12. What is POSIX compliant
  13. Use of alias
  14. Creating links to the files and directories
  15. Legacy unix
  16. ls --color[=WHEN] command
  17. ls -D
  18. Scrolling in Xterm
  19. Unable to move file from one directory to another directory
  20. Explicit and implicit use of commands
  21. rm command
  22. Files with peculiar names such as --a
  23. What is umask in chmod
  24. regarding ps command behavior after script command
  25. su command
  26. Regarding use of telnet command
  27. rsh command
  28. Remote execution of graphics program.
  29. firefox is not available for unix platform
  30. <CTRL>+z
  31. Output of ls without color
  32. Head program for retrieving bytes from beginning of file
  33. killing a process with killall command.
  34. Non POSIX Compliant Commands
  35. find command with chmod
  36. Loading file to bash
  37. rsh login.
  38. rlogin to remote server.
  39. Print server
  40. viewing object files and assembly files
  41. Make command is not working
  42. ghostview to a postscript file.
  43. what is l,c,b denotes in the long listing info of file in /dev directory?
  44. Man page of locate
  45. Using . as regular expresion for finding some pattern
  46. gcc compiler
  47. makedepend
  48. fg command
  49. Reading link of git tutorial
  50. Creating Server
  51. How to delete the present working directory
  52. sh shell
  53. Dependency of sh on external programs
  54. How to return to my initial directory , Cd ..
  55. Group and owner chnage of file and directory .
  56. simple Makefile
  57. History command
  58. manual pages
  59. listing the directories
  60. Error in compiling c program using -o foo option.
  61. Bc calculator command not found.
  62. Problem in c program which makes use of defines Foo and my MYVAR.
  63. du -h and -H
  64. Recovery of a file.
  65. Inline function with example.
  66. bash
  67. editing vim files
  68. What is nroff?
  69. Problem with make file.
  70. Steps for mounting ,unmounting and formatting a pendrive.
  71. Concepts of primary extended and logical partitions.
  72. library dependency
  73. yy command
  74. Xterm terminal key setting.
  75. Using gdb
  76. installing of virtuq_client.x86_64.tgz
  77. difference between normal OS and RTOS
  78. Redirection
  79. Appending texts in an existing file using "cat > FILENAME"
  80. Problem in Loading files to bash
  81. Can we undo the command we executed recently or in the past
  82. Piping in UNIX
  83. Nologin shell
  84. column name in ls -l
  85. Notations in program in slides of all modules
  86. Count entries in find command
  87. gcc -static
  88. Data directory does not exist
  89. Remote Execution of Graphics Program
  90. beep bell
  91. GUI on UNIX
  92. Customization
  93. gdb debugger
  94. regarding makefile
  95. Regarding GCC
  96. LINUX and UNIX
  97. Remote Process Execution
  98. Miscellanous Stuff
  99. Commands
  100. -- author command
  101. bg command
  102. cat command
  103. to load man page
  104. bc :comand not found
  105. Login to guestvm machine(Remote Login)
  106. nslookup
  107. Archive
  108. sed command
  109. Static Vs Dynamic linking
  110. Killing multiple process
  111. example of shell programming
  112. killall command
  113. history command
  114. replicating script
  115. make cmd
  116. POSIX compliant
  117. gdb
  118. Recycle bin
  119. problem related with gnu debugger.
  120. loading a file into bash
  121. Editting the prompt
  122. Add colors to prompt
  123. connecting remote host through rsh
  124. copy of particular contents of a file
  125. regarding problem with gdb.
  126. //
  127. Problem Regarding Concatenation of files that contain letter foo in it.
  128. Changing prompt color
  129. Crontab command problem
  130. crontab and at
  131. problem in for loop of Shell_scripting
  132. Problem in creating directory from Makefile
  133. shell scripting
  134. output problem
  135. Code for other C and C++ related tools
  136. Including self defined header file
  137. qt designer
  138. call-graph profile
  139. password less login
  140. how to create a c file compiler
  141. not able to debug a program
  142. environment variable
  143. print the value of i in debugging
  144. removing segmentation faults
  145. attaching gdb to a process which is running as root
  146. conditional breakpoints within gdb
  147. Debugger
  148. Gui Development in unix
  149. Gcc compiler
  150. problem in GNU-make file
  151. Raspberri pi ssh login
  152. chmod command
  153. alias command
  154. difference between Unix and Windows
  155. Can we become root by changing the user env variables
  156. Shell Script
  157. Unable to Install VirtuQ in Linux
  158. Bash file setup
  159. Chromium OS
  160. copy and paste on the unix shell interface using laptop
  161. <ctrl>+d
  162. cat > foo for creating dummy pdf header
  163. Can't open xterm with ssh.
  164. full form gnu
  165. Dynamic vs Static Linking
  166. esac
  167. shell programming
  168. make file with header and C file
  169. git log error
  170. how to read .dvi file without Makefile
  171. .swp files
  172. UserLimits
  173. Enviroment variable
  174. stty
  175. X server
  176. File editor
  177. difference between ./abc.sh and . abc.sh
  178. Accessing USB without using OS
  179. make a file of name "--a"
  180. How to remove #test.c# file
  181. Dummy printer not ready
  182. time command
  183. Failed to connect to server