- Taking printout
- Writing on CD or DVD
- Difference between shell and terminal emulator
- pstree command
- extension of executable file
- Header file used for graphics in programming in gcc
- Locating repeated lines in a text file
- Working of fg and bg command
- Reset command not working
- ls command
- Creating directories and changing directories
- What is POSIX compliant
- Use of alias
- Creating links to the files and directories
- Legacy unix
- ls --color[=WHEN] command
- ls -D
- Scrolling in Xterm
- Unable to move file from one directory to another directory
- Explicit and implicit use of commands
- rm command
- Files with peculiar names such as --a
- What is umask in chmod
- regarding ps command behavior after script command
- su command
- Regarding use of telnet command
- rsh command
- Remote execution of graphics program.
- firefox is not available for unix platform
- <CTRL>+z
- Output of ls without color
- Head program for retrieving bytes from beginning of file
- killing a process with killall command.
- Non POSIX Compliant Commands
- find command with chmod
- Loading file to bash
- rsh login.
- rlogin to remote server.
- Print server
- viewing object files and assembly files
- Make command is not working
- ghostview to a postscript file.
- what is l,c,b denotes in the long listing info of file in /dev directory?
- Man page of locate
- Using . as regular expresion for finding some pattern
- gcc compiler
- makedepend
- fg command
- Reading link of git tutorial
- Creating Server
- How to delete the present working directory
- sh shell
- Dependency of sh on external programs
- How to return to my initial directory , Cd ..
- Group and owner chnage of file and directory .
- simple Makefile
- History command
- manual pages
- listing the directories
- Error in compiling c program using -o foo option.
- Bc calculator command not found.
- Problem in c program which makes use of defines Foo and my MYVAR.
- du -h and -H
- Recovery of a file.
- Inline function with example.
- bash
- editing vim files
- What is nroff?
- Problem with make file.
- Steps for mounting ,unmounting and formatting a pendrive.
- Concepts of primary extended and logical partitions.
- library dependency
- yy command
- Xterm terminal key setting.
- Using gdb
- installing of virtuq_client.x86_64.tgz
- difference between normal OS and RTOS
- Redirection
- Appending texts in an existing file using "cat > FILENAME"
- Problem in Loading files to bash
- Can we undo the command we executed recently or in the past
- Piping in UNIX
- Nologin shell
- column name in ls -l
- Notations in program in slides of all modules
- Count entries in find command
- gcc -static
- Data directory does not exist
- Remote Execution of Graphics Program
- beep bell
- Customization
- gdb debugger
- regarding makefile
- Regarding GCC
- Remote Process Execution
- Miscellanous Stuff
- Commands
- -- author command
- bg command
- cat command
- to load man page
- bc :comand not found
- Login to guestvm machine(Remote Login)
- nslookup
- Archive
- sed command
- Static Vs Dynamic linking
- Killing multiple process
- example of shell programming
- killall command
- history command
- replicating script
- make cmd
- POSIX compliant
- gdb
- Recycle bin
- problem related with gnu debugger.
- loading a file into bash
- Editting the prompt
- Add colors to prompt
- connecting remote host through rsh
- copy of particular contents of a file
- regarding problem with gdb.
- //
- Problem Regarding Concatenation of files that contain letter foo in it.
- Changing prompt color
- Crontab command problem
- crontab and at
- problem in for loop of Shell_scripting
- Problem in creating directory from Makefile
- shell scripting
- output problem
- Code for other C and C++ related tools
- Including self defined header file
- qt designer
- call-graph profile
- password less login
- how to create a c file compiler
- not able to debug a program
- environment variable
- print the value of i in debugging
- removing segmentation faults
- attaching gdb to a process which is running as root
- conditional breakpoints within gdb
- Debugger
- Gui Development in unix
- Gcc compiler
- problem in GNU-make file
- Raspberri pi ssh login
- chmod command
- alias command
- difference between Unix and Windows
- Can we become root by changing the user env variables
- Shell Script
- Unable to Install VirtuQ in Linux
- Bash file setup
- Chromium OS
- copy and paste on the unix shell interface using laptop
- <ctrl>+d
- cat > foo for creating dummy pdf header
- Can't open xterm with ssh.
- full form gnu
- Dynamic vs Static Linking
- esac
- shell programming
- make file with header and C file
- git log error
- how to read .dvi file without Makefile
- .swp files
- UserLimits
- Enviroment variable
- stty
- X server
- File editor
- difference between ./abc.sh and . abc.sh
- Accessing USB without using OS
- make a file of name "--a"
- How to remove #test.c# file
- Dummy printer not ready
- time command
- Failed to connect to server