This interesting articles is shared by Anil Sharma. He can be reached at ##### Have you ever thought about application development in cloud? First thing first let’s understand which cloud (layer) we are talking about. The basic definition of cloud would be virtual resources or services which you can access over internet or network while you don’t worry about underlying infrastructure. For example, if you want to develop an application ...
We often get very interesting questions from students about various career prospects. Some of the these questions are as follows. What are the top technology companies?What are differences between a service company and a product company?What are typical salaries in different companies for freshers?What are the skills needed to crack a job in a top technology company?How important is my degree to get a good job?What is the role of first job in career growth?We will be answering ...
Informally, data structure (DSTR) is the way in which data in the program is organized and manipulated. The latter happens through various operations which are supported by the data structure. Examples of these operations are making new objects in DSTR, removing existing objects, searching for a particular object, sorting based on some criteria etc. As an example, suppose, we have to create and manipulate a student database. Naive approach to create this database could be to ...
What is an Embedded System By definition, embedded systems are application specific electronics systems embedded in larger electro-mechanical systems. Examples of such embedded systems which we encounter in day to day life are washing machine controller, microwave controller, elevator controller, digital clock, air-conditioning remote, TV remote, printers, mobile phones, engine control system etc. All of these devices are either doing very specific job or a set of specific ...
Updated 30-11-2011 at 09:21 AM by basant (There was more space)