Hi Sir,
In the book K & R in pg:106 for strcmp() function. I wrote the following program.
int strcmp(char *s, char *t);
int main()
char s[]="saketh";
char t[]="saketh";
int c;
c= strcmp(s,t);
int strcmp(char *s,char *t)
for( ;*s == *t;s++,t++)
if( *s == '\0')
return 0;
return *s - *t;
The function strcmp() is equal to the steps shown in the book. I get correct answer.
However, i tried to do a small change in strcmp() like below.
int strcmp(char *s,char *t)
for( ;*s == *t;s++,t++)
return *s - *t;
which is logically same at the end of the loop both the pointers point to '\0' and i should get the output as 0.
But when i ran the program i get the output as -4 which means *t pointing to a charecter of ascii value 4.
Could you please explain why this is happening.